The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Book Club Questions - Cover Post

11 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Book Club Questions


With 440 pages and 100 chapters, there are a lot of things that happen in The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue that are honestly worth to be discussed.

But that’s going to take forever.

So, I have curated eleven of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue book club questions that will make your discussion more engaging and exciting.

Before we dive in, if you and the appropriate age members of your book club need a refreshment of the story, take a look at the summary of the book.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Book Club Questions

  • Have you read other V.E. Schwab’s books? If so, how do you think Addie is different from her other female characters?
  • What’s the importance of Addie’s seven freckles that made the author keeps mentioning them in the book?
  • Do you like Henry as a character?
  • Do you feel the chemistry between Addie and Henry?
  • How do you feel about the dynamic between Addie and Luc, the darkness?
  • The book has different timelines and back-and-forth between the past and the present. Was that an enjoyable reading experience for you?
  • Do you prefer the flashbacks or the present story more? Why?
  • Do mental illnesses represent well in the book?
  • Do you think the book was US or eurocentric? Why did the author never mention other continents?
  • Do you like the poetry-like writing style in the book?
  • How do you feel about the ending? What would you change about it?

Is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue worth reading?

This section is for you who haven’t made the decision to pick The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue to read with your book club members.

The answer to the question is yes. The book is worth reading for many reasons.

Unlike her other books, V.E. Schwab does something different with The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue in terms of pacing and writing. I didn’t witness crazy action scenes or read straight sentences. Instead, she presents a slow-moving character study about one who finds love while leaving her marks on the world. She does that with beautiful and intriguing sentences that make the story as pretty as a poem.

The three main characters make the book more alluring. The moment Addie and Henry meet was an important turning point in the story that guaranteed me to like the story.

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Wrapping Up

Picking The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue as one of the books to be discussed in your book club is a perfect idea.

The book raises many themes, identities, and real-life’s phenomena through a light fantasy story that will make an interesting discussion with your members.

And if you need more materials to discuss, I have another idea. What if you discuss the quotes from the book? You can examine the meaning or literary devices that V.E. Schwab used in her sentences.

Lastly, I’ve made the image below so you can easily save and share The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue book club questions with your members. I’m hoping your discussion will go well with it!

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